The Gizhe Waa Tii-Si-Win Service Expo in Winnipeg, organized by End Homelessness Winnipeg, is designed to assist individuals in need by bringing numerous service providers together in one location. Held at N’Dinawemak – Our Relatives Place, the expo aims to simplify access to essential resources for those experiencing homelessness. This year, attendees could receive services ranging from free vision tests and glasses provided by the Manitoba Association of Optometry to assistance in obtaining health cards from Manitoba Public Insurance.
The event highlights the significant Indigenous representation among the homeless population in Winnipeg, where 68% of surveyed individuals identified as Indigenous. N’Dinawemak, an Indigenous-led shelter, often operates at full capacity, emphasizing the ongoing demand for safe spaces.
Executive Director Frank Parkes advocates for enhanced employment services, including vocational training and resume development, to help individuals re-enter the workforce. While the expo is a yearly event, the 211 helpline offers 24/7 support for connecting residents to various services. The expo embodies its Anishinaabemowin name, meaning “working with love, kindness, and generosity for others,” as volunteers and organizations come together to uplift the community.
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