Saint John police to launch quick response team

Saint John’s police force is launching a new “quick response team” consisting of four officers dedicated to the uptown and Waterloo Village areas. This initiative aims to deter crime while fostering relationships with the homeless population. Police Chief Robert Bruce emphasizes the importance of officer visibility and familiarity, noting that the team will build connections with local businesses and social services.

Residents have expressed fear due to visible crime, including drug use and public disturbances. Business owner Susie Hines has experienced rising petty theft and is hopeful about the team’s presence, which she believes will enhance customer comfort. Community advocate Derrick May acknowledges the high crime and poverty rates in Waterloo Village, supporting the idea of increased assistance rather than more policing. He hopes the initiative will improve mental health support and help individuals on the streets.

City Councillor Greg Norton predicts a decrease in petty theft, currently up 25% this year, once the team is operational. While the Board of Police Commissioners has approved the initiative, it awaits final approval from the City Council, with an estimated cost of $460,000.

Read the full story with accompanying video on CTV News:

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